Name Meaning

Are you curious about the origins and meanings behind names? If so, then you're in for a treat with our website dedicated to unraveling the fascinating world of name meaning. Whether you're searching for the perfect name for your baby, interested in the significance of your own name, or simply intrigued by the stories behind names, our site has got you covered!

At, we are passionate about exploring the rich tapestry of names from around the globe. Our user-friendly interface allows you to easily search for the meaning, history, and cultural significance of a wide variety of names. From traditional names steeped in centuries of tradition to modern and unique names making waves today, our database is comprehensive and constantly updated to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Navigating our website is a breeze, whether you're a name enthusiast or just beginning your journey into the world of names. Simply type in the name you're curious about, hit search, and uncover a treasure trove of information waiting to be discovered. You may be surprised by the stories and symbolism hidden within the names we use every day.

Not only is exploring name meaning a fun and enlightening experience, but it can also provide insight into different cultures, languages, and historical periods. Names are so much more than just labels – they carry with them a deep significance that connects us to our past and shapes our present.

So, whether you're on a quest to find the perfect name for your bundle of joy, want to learn more about the history of your own name, or simply enjoy delving into the meanings behind names, our website is your go-to destination. Join us on this captivating journey of discovery and let the world of names unfold before you in all its richness and beauty. Dive into today and unlock the hidden stories behind the names that shape our identities.

Logo Name Meaning


spearlike; warlike

  • Individuals with this name are often independent thinkers who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in
  • They have a competitive spirit and a natural leadership ability, making them excellent problem-solvers and decision-makers.
  • Quirina is a name that exudes strength and determination

Q Female Christianity Latin

Logo Name Meaning


one who directs a course or way

  • Navigators are known for their adventurous spirit and ability to find their way through any situation
  • They are independent individuals who excel at charting new paths and guiding others towards their goals
  • Navigators are reliable and resourceful, making them great leaders in uncertain times.

N Unisex Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism English

Logo Name Meaning



  • Individuals with this name are often described as sweet and graceful
  • Rosalie carries a sense of elegance and beauty, much like the flower after which it is named.
  • They are known for their charm and gentle demeanor, capturing the hearts of those around them

R Female Christianity Latin

Logo Name Meaning


crooked nose

  • Inspired by their natural leadership qualities and unparalleled charm, Cameron is determined to leave a lasting impact on everyone they meet.
  • They possess a magnetic aura that draws people towards them, making them natural leaders in social settings
  • Cameron is a stylish and sociable individual who easily captures the attention of those around them with their charming personality

C Unisex Christianity Judaism Celtic Scottish

Logo Name Meaning

Luke Skywalker

light bringer

  • Luke Skywalker is a legendary fictional character known for his bravery and determination in fighting against the dark forces in the Star Wars universe
  • He is portrayed as a skilled Jedi with a strong sense of justice and a deep connection to the Force, guiding him on his journey to restore peace to the galaxy.

L Male Jedi English Latin

Logo Name Meaning



  • Those with this name are often known for their charisma and creativity, bringing a touch of sparkle to everything they do.
  • gemma is a vibrant and alluring name, evoking the beauty and rarity of precious gems

G Female Christianity Italian Latin

Logo Name Meaning


peaceful ruler

  • Fritzie is a name of German origin meaning 'peaceful ruler'
  • Individuals with this name are known for their intelligence, empathy, and creativity
  • They have a peaceful and caring nature, often taking a diplomatic approach to conflicts

F Female Christianity German

Logo Name Meaning


defender of man

  • Lesia is a name of Greek origin that means 'defender of man.' Individuals named Lesia are known for their strong-willed and independent nature
  • Overall, Lesias are strong, confident individuals with a deep sense of purpose.
  • With their determination and courage, Lesias are often successful in achieving their goals and overcoming obstacles

L Female Christianity Greek

Logo Name Meaning


devotee of St. Colmán

  • People with this name are often known for their compassionate and loyal nature
  • Individuals with this name are often admired for their sincerity and kind-heartedness.
  • Colmán'

C Male Christianity Irish


